September 24, 2012


"Carbon Nanotube Based High Resolution Holograms". H. Butt, Y. Montelongo, T. Butler, R. Rajesekharan, Q. Dai, S. G. Shiva-Reddy, T. D. Wilkinson, G. A. J. Amaratunga. ADVANCED MATERIALS. In press. DOI: 10.1002/adma.201202593

Carbon nanotubes are used as the smallest possible scattering element for diffracting light in a highly controlled manner to produce a 2D image. An array of carbon nanotubes is elegantly patterned to produce a high resolution hologram. In response to incident light on the hologram, a high contrast and wide field of view CAMBRIDGE image is produced. 

Se utilizaron nanotubos de carbono como los mínimos elementos posibles para la difracción de luz y la formación de imágenes 2D en un modo altamente controlado. Un arreglo de nanotubos de carbono se organizó elegantemente para producir un holograma de alta resolución. Como respuesta a la luz incidente en el holograma, se produce una imagen de alto contraste y de alto campo de visión con la palabra CAMBRIDGE.


  1. Replies
    1. SWCNTs and MWCNTs share many physical and chemical applications with slight variations in each case. The most common applications comprise conductive composites, high-strength composites, energy storage devices, energy conversion devices, sensors, biosensors, energy and charge transfer complexes, field emission displays, radiation sources, optical limiting devices, hydrogen storage media, drug delivery, and semiconductor nanodevices. But, in practice, sometimes the use of MWCNTs is preferred over the use of SWCNTs because the MWCNTs can be synthesized in large quantities more easily, and because the MWCNTs can be functionalized without altering the inner nanotubes.
